
We're here for
Canadian families.
We're Families Canada.

At Families Canada, we deliver the education, training and tools that empower our network of organizations to reach families from all backgrounds – building stronger families and stronger communities.

Visit the Families Canada Store!

Our online store is the place for those supporting families to access free and paid resources like reports, e-modules, facilitator guides and tip sheets – and more!

Banner Image regarding The Online Store. Image contains a smiling family with a mom and dad and two kids.
Mailing List

Join our mailing list and stay up to date on what is happening!

Stay updated on our upcoming events, webinars, and more! Click on the button below to join our mailing list.

Families Canada is on Youtube!

Check out our latest videos on Youtube for Webinars including Building Vaccine Confidence.

Women sitting on a coach looking at a laptop

Visit the Families Canada Training Portal to access new self-paced courses!

You can access science-based training on your schedule with multiple self-paced courses in our Training Portal.

Financial Empowerment for Women Living on Low Incomes: An Action Plan is now available.

The calls for action in this document are for anyone in a position to impact women’s financial skills, knowledge or confidence – whether through a formal program, by giving advice to a client or friend, or through policy.

Become a Families Canada Member!

Families Canada members help to build a vibrant network of people and organizations who share a commitment to health and wellness, community development and family well-being.

Mailing List

Want to stay updated on our upcoming events, webinars, and more? Click on the button below to join our mailing list!